
Monday, April 30, 2012

Week 39: Same as last week..

I regret to inform you that.... I didn't get a chance to take pictures for last week, so you'll just have to settle for this weeks pictures. As far as I can tell, everything still looks the same as last week. So that's a plus. :p

The great thing is my teeth are on the move because I have a pokey wire trying to make a home in my cheek again. I'm going to try to wait until my next adjustment to have it clipped. Really don't feel like going to the ortho just to have a wire clipped. Oh wells..

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Week 38: Jaw Popping, Tender Teeth


Lately, I've been noticing that every now and then my jaw will pop whenever I move my mouth. It usually doesn't hurt, just feels weird. I would say that it's only hurt like 2 times. I'm pretty calm about it, since I figure it's just my biting shifting and changing.

Today... my lowers have been tender... which means movement (yay) but mm doesn't feel good clicking my teeth together. lol!

My gum has also been a little swollen around my upper left 2nd molar.. as long as there's not an infection under my gum, we'll be good. I still remember when I had an abscess and my dentist had to flush it out... O.M.G talk about PAINFUL!!! Don't want to go through that again.

A nice, big glass of warm salt water will be in my future. lol


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Week 37: No more gap... Now what?...

My gap closing was the highlight of my week, last week. Between staring at my two front teeth obsessively in the mirror and running my tongue along the backs of my two front teeth, I don't know what to do with myself. lol

I've been so busy, I really haven't had time to post and take pictures. I'll try to make some time.

Update: I can see a difference in my bite when I put my teeth together. The space is getting smaller. Braces alone won't be able to fix the spaces, that's where the dreaded elastics will come in.. =x

My upper arch is crooked a bit but it's round and it looks good..

In such a short amount of time, I can say that I'm really happy with the way my teeth look.

But I have been wondering something, before braces, my two front teeth looked alot longer, so I was thinking that when they straightened out they would look longer but they actually look shorter which gives me a gummy smile... Guess that's just something I'll have to ask my ortho.


Thursday, April 12, 2012

One Brackted Lower Tooth Coming Right Up!

I was right about my lower tooth being bracketed and brought back in the arch...

Sigh... I can tell I will not be looking forward to my7th adjustment. The good thing is that I have some time before I go back but having this last tooth bracketed is going to be very painful. When one of my upper left teeth was finally added to the archwire... the whole left side of my mouth hurt for about 4 days straight.. It was awful!

Oh well, I'll just take a couple ibuprofens and keep it moving... The pain is all a part of braces...

*Says weakly* No Pain, No Gain... lol!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Quick Update

Besides a teeny, weeny, itty, bitty micro space between my two front teeth, my gap is pretty much gone!!! It makes waking up at 5am because my mouth was hurting, TOTALLY WORTH IT!! WOOO! :D

 On a cute note, As I said above, I woke up at 5am because my mouth was in pain. So my cat, Oreo, curled up on my chest and was falling asleep. She woke up, looked at me, and moved a bit so that her body was pressed against the right side of my face (where I was having the most pain). She put her paw on my hand and just purred and was generating heat and acting as a heating pad. It's amazing how animals can sense when you're not feeling well and they try to comfort you. :D

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Week 36: Small Kink in Coil Spring and Adjustment 6


Last night, I had a bit of a problem... I was eating salad with green olives for dinner and I wasn't thinking but instead of chewing the olive slowly and carefully.. I chomped down on it and I felt something really weird in my mouth... Well at first I thought I had bent my wire where my coil spring was and I started freaking out a bit.. but when I checked it this morning, it was more like a tiny bend in the coil spring. Not only that but my tooth was pretty sore from the small kink in the spring...

( It looks a lot worse in the pic than in person. lol)

So.. I went to the ortho today for my 6th adjustment and so far things are looking good. The assistant told me that we're almost ready to bring my tooth into the arch. There's almost enough space. I think at my next adjustment is when they're going to bracket the tooth and start bringing it in. She also said the small kink in the coil spring was no big deal but I must have hit the spring in the right spot or my tooth was moving, since it was a little sore.

She checked the wire under the spring and everything was fine. I just have powerchains on my uppers and nothing on the lowers :D I didn't have a wire change but that's ok. Guess I'm just not ready for new wires yet. No elastics either. So.. It was a good adjustment. lol!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Week 36: Adjustment 6th tomorrow... Not Nervous...


I haven't really seen alot of movement.. besides my gap being almost closed and having two new gaps on each side of my upper centrals.

I'm just glad that my adjustment is tomorrow.. I can finally get new powerchains, tired of these ugly, stained yellow ones. I really don't know what's going to happen with this adjustment. I'm hoping that I'll have something new to report and it won't just be a disappointing visit.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Week 35: 8 Monthiversary.... 22 more months to go!


I can't believe it's been 8 months. I thought that it would take forever to get to this point but it really hasn't. Only 4 more months and it will be a year and then I'll only have a year and a half to go before they're removed. So neat! :)

This week, the only teeth that have moved a little more are my central incisors. My gap is almost gone.

I did call the ortho because I was a little confused on when I should have a frenectomy done. I didn't know if I needed to wait until my gap was almost closed. (Like my dentist told me) or if I needed to wait until after my braces were removed. My ortho told me that I had to wait until my gap was completely closed and then I would be given a referral to get it clipped.

So that means my frenectomy is going to happen very soon.. I will probably have a small melt down about it in the near future..

*Pics coming soon*