
Monday, September 23, 2013

Week 112: Spaces Slowly Closing


I'm still around.. I'm still waiting on my spaces to close. They are slowly closing up on my right side and in between my front teeth. My teeth are looking better and better as the spaces close. It's amazing!

I'll have to take pictures soon. The thing that still shocks me a bit is whenever I look in the mirror and smile, and I see a straight set of teeth. It really looks like someone elses mouth and not my own. I'm really glad that I got braces because I have changed so much within the two years. I'm constantly smiling and laughing and my self esteem is just great.

If I had to do it all over again, I would do everything the exact same way!

*Pics Coming Soon*


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Adjustment 19: Pretty Uneventful


I didn't realize that it's been a little while since I've posted. My spaces on my right side are slowly closing, have been wearing my elastics like I'm supposed to.

My 19th Adjustment was pretty uneventful. I had my purple power chains swapped out for blue ones and I was told to continue to wear my elastics in the same configuration and they would see me in 6 weeks.

My ortho did say that everything is moving right along and looking good. So that did make me feel good and let me know that there is progress at least. :)

( I will post pictures from my previous adjustment soon.)

That's all for now.

*I forgot to take Adjustment Pictures. Sorry about that!*