
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Adjustment 22: Kicked It Up a Notch....

Hi! Been a little while!

I didn't post about my last adjustment because there really wasn't anything new, I just had a new power chain placed and was sent on my merry way with a bag of elastics.

This adjustment was a little different. After I was called back to the row of chairs, my ortho had me open and close my mouth and said, there seems to still be a little space there. He turned towards the assistant and told her to put triple A's on the upper and lower and walked away.

So I asked the assistant what was going to happen because I saw her pull out this plastic box with all these little wires in them. She told me that she was going to place a wire on my upper and lower teeth because my lowers are flared out a bit and they want to push them in a little as well as push my uppers in and that should help close the space.

She proceeded to put my new upper and lower powerchain on and then began adding the triple A wire, and it was pretty tight once she got it on. She also wire tied it in a few spots because she wanted to make sure it wouldn't pop out of my mouth. Lol. I'm probably going to be in a bit of pain, so it's back to the pain meds for me.

I'm glad that they added something else because that means we'll have progress and I'm getting closer to having these darn things off.

Oh! I also have to wear elastics on top of all this, so that should be fun.

I'll take a pic soon.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Adjustment 20: Still Waiting on Space Closure...


So I had an adjustment today and my ortho said that it looks like spaces are closing but I do still have a few spaces on the upper and my bite together is still spaced.

So I was given a short closed chain on my uppers and a long open chain on my lowers. Also, have to continue wearing elastics.

 I really wish my spaces would close a bit faster, since I have to wait on them to close, I've found that I'm becoming impatient and just really want my braces off. Nothing to do but get over it and just be patient... sigh.

That's all for now.. This is the boring part of the process so I probably won't have much to say on the matter until my spaces have completely close and I have a deband date. lol

See ya later!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Week 112: Spaces Slowly Closing


I'm still around.. I'm still waiting on my spaces to close. They are slowly closing up on my right side and in between my front teeth. My teeth are looking better and better as the spaces close. It's amazing!

I'll have to take pictures soon. The thing that still shocks me a bit is whenever I look in the mirror and smile, and I see a straight set of teeth. It really looks like someone elses mouth and not my own. I'm really glad that I got braces because I have changed so much within the two years. I'm constantly smiling and laughing and my self esteem is just great.

If I had to do it all over again, I would do everything the exact same way!

*Pics Coming Soon*


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Adjustment 19: Pretty Uneventful


I didn't realize that it's been a little while since I've posted. My spaces on my right side are slowly closing, have been wearing my elastics like I'm supposed to.

My 19th Adjustment was pretty uneventful. I had my purple power chains swapped out for blue ones and I was told to continue to wear my elastics in the same configuration and they would see me in 6 weeks.

My ortho did say that everything is moving right along and looking good. So that did make me feel good and let me know that there is progress at least. :)

( I will post pictures from my previous adjustment soon.)

That's all for now.

*I forgot to take Adjustment Pictures. Sorry about that!*

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Adjustment 18: Purple Chains, Cut Wire and Finally Asked...


Finally can post about my adjustment... I didn't have Triple A's(?) installed, didn't even have a wire change. I basically had my power chained changed to a pretty purple upper and lower chain. :) My upper wire was cut in the back on both sides. so it's only going to my six's on both sides of my arch. Nothing was done to my lower wire. The new power chains were a bit tight and I had some minuscule aching the next day but nothing major.

I also finally asked how much longer I had.. The best answer they could give me was, that I was originally quoted 30 months and right now, I'm at 24. So we'll see where I am in 6 months. There's also a possibility I could either get my braces off early or have treatment extended, it all depends on my spaces closing. Which includes the space between my two front teeth as well as the spaces on the right side.

So in other words, it's just a space closure waiting game and I HAVE to wear my elastics all the time and make sure to put them back in immediately after I eat and brush.

With the thought of possibly being free a little early or even right at the 30 month mark, I've been doing a great job remembering to wear my elastics.

Just going to continue to be a good ortho patient and wait for these spaces to close and "try" to be patient. lol

Bye! :)

*Pics coming soon*

Sunday, August 4, 2013

2 Year Comparison...


I'm a little late as far as posting a 2 year anniversary post but better late than never.

It's so cool finally making it to 2 years, it's seriously hard to believe. I thought that it would take forever to get to this point, but in reality, it flew by. It is simply amazing after looking at my pictures how much my teeth have changed and just how darn good they look. I can still see that there is a bit more work still to be done. So I'll just have to be patient and keep on riding the braces train.

Anyway, on to the comparison:

I'm not sure if it's the angle,for my 2 year front view picture, but my midline looks really off. The gaps on my right side still need to close. One other thing I noticed, is how healthy my gums look now. Makes me happy. :D
 Despite my teeth still being a work in progress, I tell you one thing, my teeth now look like they belong to someone else. It's just unbelievable! If you are considering getting braces, DO IT!!!! It is SO WORTH IT!

Later! :)

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Week 102: Adjustment 17 Finished!


I had my adjustment yesterday and again..  it was pretty uneventful. I had a x ray taken of my mouth and then my powerchains and wires were removed. I was told to brush and floss with the wires out and flossing was interesting. I kept snagging the floss on the brackets. lol

Anyway, my ortho came out and told me to open and close my mouth several times. He said he wants to continue to close my spaces up. So he told the assistant to put a closed chain on my lowers and an open chain on my uppers. I also, have to still wear boxes in the same configuration with the same strength elastics.

One thing that kind of scared me was he said at my next adjustment in 4 weeks, he wants to put a triple A? or maybe I misunderstood and he said a TPA, on my upper arch to add torque and flare my teeth out a bit. Really don't know what is going to happen at this next adjustment. I don't know if what he's going to be adding at this adjustment is an appliance or some type of wire. In a way, I want to call and ask to find out exactly what it is, but I kind of don't because I might be freaked out more by knowing.

So... it honestly might be best to wait and see at the next adjustment.

I don't really have anything else new to report, it all looks the same to me.

Actually, after doing a comparison from week 100. I do see quite a few changes. My gap between my two front teeth has gotten smaller. My lower arch has rounded out a little more. And my upper right side has come down a bit. :D I guess that goes to show that, even though I'm in the slower phase of treatment, my teeth are still constantly moving and improving. Makes me a happy girl! 


Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Week 100: Not Much Has Changed


It's kind of neat saying I've been in braces for 100 weeks. lol!

Anywho, I haven't seen much change in my teeth. The gap between my two front teeth has gotten a little smaller. I can't really tell if the gaps on my right side have moved at all. I've been doing better with wearing my elastics all the time. It just seems like this configuration has hurt a bit more than all the other ones.

Next month, will make it two years and I plan on doing a comparison. That should be fun.

I also have an adjustment coming up on the 16th and all I know is that I'll have some brackets repositioned. Just wondering what else is going to happen. Maybe, I'll finally get enough courage to ask how much longer. We'll see

That's all for now.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Week 96: Ortho Appointment 2 Days ago and 22 months!

I've been a little MIA for a bit. Life's been pretty busy lately. Plus, I really haven't had much to report since everything has been moving slowly.

Anyway, I went to my ortho appointment on the 4th and it was pretty uneventful. My ortho came over and asked me to open and close my mouth several times and told the assistant, that he wanted to continue space closure and wanted me to wear boxes but just on my lower 4s instead of my 3s. So in other words, he just wanted me to hook my elastic one hook back from my previous configuration. And that was it, I was sent on my merry way.

I honestly thought that I would get scolded because I'm suppose to wear my elastics 24/7 and I've probably been wearing them for like 19 hours a day. I was just afraid that by me not wearing them like I'm suppose to, that my teeth didn't move enough. But obviously, they must have moved enough. :)

Happy 22 months for me! It's been an exciting journey thus far and it's had it's ups and downs but more ups than anything else. My teeth look great and I know that since I still have some time left, it will only get better!

I'll post pictures from week 93 soon as well as for this week.


Monday, May 13, 2013

Week 93: A Little Movement and Snapping Elastics..


I've been noticing that when I have my elastics in, that my gaps on the right side are a lot smaller but once I take the elastics out, it seems like the gaps open back up. So hopefully, with religious elastic wear, the gaps will close all the way and stay that way.

My gap between my two front teeth is shrinking too and my upper midline is slowly moving towards the center to meet my lower midline.

I've also been having problems with my elastics snapping in my mouth. Whenever I yawn, they snap a little against my gums without breaking.. But they have also snapped and broke in my mouth a few times. My husband can usually hear when they snap and he looks at me with very wide eyes and says, Ouch! O.o

It is a bit painful when the elastics break but I just go and put a new pair in and I've just been trying to not yawn as wide. lol

That's about all the news I have.


Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Dental Cleaning and 21 Months


Dental cleaning went really, really well. The dental hygenist only had to scrap my teeth a little, she told me that I have the cleanest teeth she has ever seen in an orthodontic patient.  That made me happy. There were no cavities whatsoever and everything looked really great.

The only problem that the hygenist had was that my lowers were a bit tight and the floss kept shredding in between my teeth. Hoping that by the end of my treatment, I'll have a little bit of space to get the floss through.

So my prayer was answered and I had a clean bill of dental health. :)

I love the number 21.. I don't really know why but I just do. In 3 months, it will be 2 years in braces. Wow!

Hoping that I won't have much longer to go.

Will do a comparison soon.


Monday, April 29, 2013

Week 91: Adjusted to the Elastics


Everything is better now. My teeth have adjusted to my boxes and now it's really no big deal. I just think those first few days are the worst with elastics because of how sore your teeth are from just the adjustment and then you have something that pulls on your teeth. It's just a bit rough.

I'm just glad I feel so much better.

Anywho, I have a cleaning tomorrow. So I am praying that I have no cavities. We shall see what happens. :)

Lets see, it kind of looks like my upper teeth on the right side are coming down a bit Which is pretty exciting!. So yes, as painful as it might be, elastics really work.
Can not wait until the final result.

Until next time.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Box Elastics... How I despise you..

I woke up around 4am this morning, because my lowers were super sore. So I took some pain meds and attempted to go back to sleep. I pretty much tossed and turned all night.

On top of that, when my alarm went off, I got up to brush my teeth, and I had a bleeding sore from my rubber band rubbing the inside of my lip so much. I was not a happy camper.

I did salt water rinse and that helped some what. I didn't have this much trouble when I was in my other elastic config.

Have to keep telling myself, that the end result is worth it. Just grin and bear it!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

24 Hours: A Bit Sore


My teeth are a bit sore and these box elastics are rubbing the inside of my mouth raw. I noticed that I can't open my mouth very wide so yawning looks pretty funny. I can fit a teaspoon in my mouth with my elastics in... So applesauce.. yum!

The positive though, is that I'll get use to the elastics and the pain will subside and everything will be good again.


Monday, April 22, 2013

Adjustment 15:The Dreaded Elastics Have Returned!


15th adjustment went pretty well.

I was called back to the row of chairs and the ortho assistant, started removing my ligs and wires. She told me that I was getting stainless steel wires and powerchains to close my gaps. I was like ok, that's fine. Well, my ortho came over and told me to smile and then turn my head to the left and bite down. He tells the ortho assistant, "I want boxes on both sides," then walks away.

So I asked the ortho assistant, if that meant I would have to wear elastics again and she's like yep, you sure do. Luckily, they're still Zebras so the weight didn't change. But she told me that, it's to bring my bite together a little more. My thought was, well this is better than Zigzags so I'll deal with it.

Anyway, the stainless steel wire was a pain going in as always and I immediately felt pressure once they were all the way in. The powerchains really weren't that bad.

With my elastics being in a different configuration, it's just a bit weird. For one, this configuration gives me a bit of a headache and it's awkward putting chap stick on and trying to rub my lips together.. weirdest face ever! lol

I don't have a clue about what's going to happen at my next adjustment. So we'll just have to wait and see.


The dreaded box elastics. I don't really mind that they sit right in front.
 I just hate the elastics rubbing the inside of my mouth raw!

For some reason, my lowers look off to me. I know that I still have a while to go before 
I'm debanded but I hope my ortho can get rid of my black triangles and straighten up my lowers.

My gap between my two front teeth actually looks like it's getting smaller. :)

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Week....... 89? I think.

Howdy! Just thought I'd pop on here a minute.

Let's see... My adjustment is on Monday and... I'm not too excited about it. Not looking forward to the stainless steel wires and possible powerchains.. I'm going to hurt for sure.

Besides, that I don't really have any news. Part of the reason, I haven't been blogging much. But after I have my adjustment on Monday, I will be blogging away.

Cya later!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Week 87: 20 Months!!

I'm excited! I finally made it to 20 months and in all honesty it sure has been pretty quick getting here. I have my days where I'm ready for my braces to come off but I also have my days where I don't mind them as much. All in all, I have enjoyed the ride thus far, for the simple fact that my teeth are straight and healthy.

I don't regret every penny that I'm spending on my smile because it will last me a lifetime. Hopefully, I'll only have 10 more months to go.. I want to ask my ortho how much longer I have but I don't at the same time, just in case he doesn't give me an answer or he says longer than 10 months. So we'll see.

Don't really have any tooth news.. So more than likely won't take any pictures. I forgot to take pictures for last week. I've just been pretty busy with this crazy thing called life. :p I'll try to do better.


Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Sweet, Sweet Relief....

Back from the ortho and it feels good to be pokey wire free!

The appointment went really well. The ortho assistant ( I really her, she does a great job) grabbed a pair of pliers and started moving my wire over and shoved it back in the bracket... It was a tad uncomfortable because she didn't open any doors. She then strong armed my stop on my wire because it wasn't clamped down enough to stop the wire from slipping. That was the primary reason why my wire moved in the first place because of my stop.

She also noticed that one of my  doors wasn't closed very good so she wire tied it to keep it from popping open. She told me that one of my lower teeth had started to move in the wrong direction because of the slipping wire..

I learned a lesson today.

Whenever there is something wrong with your braces, it best to go in and get it taken care of as soon as possible, otherwise you could have teeth moving the wrong way and then that will prolong your treatment.. (I would be very unhappy if my treatment was prolonged but it would be my own fault in that case.)

I closed my mouth and didn't feel anything poking me and I was like omg, that feels a thousand times better!!!

I can now make it to my next adjustment, April 22nd.


Monday, March 25, 2013

Week 86: Ortho Appt Tomorrow


Well I finally broke. I made an appointment for tomorrow to get my lower wire fixed. I can be stubborn sometimes... From what the receptionist said, my wire is sliding around and needs to have a stop placed so that it won't do that anymore. She said it will be a quick appointment. :)

Anywho, I don't have any teeth news. lol It still looks the same.

See ya!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Week 85

Sadly, I forgot to take pictures after my adjusment last week... whoops.. Sorry about that folks.

I'll take pictures for this week and everything will be good. :)

Anyway... I've had a pokey wire since I left my adjustment last week (Ortho assistant forgot to cut it.) and I've just been kind of stubborn and didn't want to go back and get it clipped. lol The only bad thing about it now, is that it's gotten a bit longer and it's really poking, so my wall of resistance might soon crumble.

Besides, the pokey wire, I don't really see any changes in my teeth. They look the same. I would say this phase of treatment is like watching paint dry. I wish things would happen more quickly but I just have to be patient.

That's all folks!


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

24 Hour Update

I'd say I'm doing pretty good considering I'm sitting here eating peanut butter crackers without any difficulty or pain.

So I'm really happy to report that this adjustment was pretty much pain free.

I did notice a change in my lower molars yesterday when I was looking in the mirror. My molars are almost lined up. They were pretty wonky for a while but now, they're coming together. Makes me really happy.

I seriously can't wait until I see the final results, I'll probably cry. lol


Monday, March 11, 2013

Adjustment 14: Finished!


My 14th adjustment is all complete and I'm really not feeling any soreness... yet.

I got new upper and lower wires 16x22. I was told that since my teeth are looking good, I could skip a couple of lower wires and be upgraded. So I was happy about that. :) I also had my ligs changed, clear again... I could have chose a color this time around but I was just too tired and didn't care whether I had a color or not. lol

I also have a few ligs on  a few of my bottom brackets because the ortho assist was having a hard time opening and closing my brackets.. She told me  I have some slight tarter buildup around a few of my brackets but she said that it's not from not brushing well enough beccause it looks like I do brush really well but it just happens sometimes.

The good thing is I have a cleaning next month, so my dentist can get rid of the build up. :)

So nothing too exciting happened with this adjustment which makes me happy because I was not looking forward to pain.

The ortho assist told me that at my next adjustment, they're going to give me Stainless Steel wires and start closing up the spaces. So the gap between my two front teeth will only be there for a little while longer. I am not looking forward to the new wires coming my way, those things hurt!

Oh well, that's the life of a braced person. lol


Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Week 83

Howdy, I'm backk! :)

Computer is up and I have a little time, so I'll work on posting the pictures from a couple weeks ago.

19 months already??? O.o 11 more months (hopefully) to go! That's so cool! I seriously dream about the day when my braces come off and I can eat almonds, corn on the cob, chocolate turtles..... (Yes, I will probably make my self sick, but it will be worth it. haha)

This week, the gap between my two front teeth has opened up a little more. Not very happy about it being there but I know it's all apart of the process. I'm really hoping at my adjustment on Monday, that I will be given a powerchain again. I want this thing gone!

Besides that, I really don't have anything new to report. Everything else seems normal.


Thursday, February 21, 2013

Week 81

Good Morning!

Everything pretty much looks the same, so no pictures for this week. I also won't update my blog next week. Going to be moving so won't have internet access. How will I ever survive??? Books, lots of books. :)

Oh! I do have pictures for the last 2 weeks but I just haven't had time to work on them. So I'll get to them when I get them.

Bye! :)

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Week 80


My lower right cuspid is loose. It physically moves when I apply very little pressure to it. But I know it's all a part of the lining up phase. It does look like there has been some movement.

Also, the gap between my upper centrals has opened up a tiny amount and it's been that way for a little while. I'm wondering if the ortho is going to line my midline up by using the space and just moving teeth along the arch. It's just a guess though.

That's really all I have to report, besides that everything is good. I no longer have soreness which is nice. :)

Bye for now!

I promise you there's a small gap there, my teeth make me look like I'm a liar.. lol

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Week 79


I really have no idea what my teeth are doing. One day my gap between my two front teeth opens up, the next day, it's closed. lol

As far as I can tell with my lowers, they're starting to level out a bit, which is kind of nice. I've also been experiencing soreness with a few of my teeth. (Esp the one with the deep filling, it just aches >.<)

Going to assume that my teeth have moved some more because my cheeks are starting to get caught on my brackets again and it does NOT feel good at all.

That's all I really know though.

Oh! Yeah, I'm also at 18 months now and in 6 months, I'll be at 2 years. That is unbelievable! :D

Time really does fly!


Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Quick 24 Hour Update


So far I just have a little soreness but it's only on certain teeth. Mainly, the ones where my brackets were repostioned. I forgot to mention in yesterdays post, that when my ortho popped my brackets off, I had to rinse, since he had grinded all the glue off and I had glue particles in my mouth *blech* Anyway, I was able to see 3 of my teeth and they look awesome. Really looking forward to being debanded now. I know that's a ways off though.

Oh! I took pictures and was kind of sad because I already stained my ligs... They're a nice yellow tint. :( It makes me want to go back to the ortho office and ask them to replace them with colored ligs. But I don't want to make the trip out there. I'll just deal with it. lol

See ya!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Week 78: Adjustment 13 Done!


I'm back from the ortho and already feeling pressure.

I had an xray done, so they could check to make sure my roots were ok, which I'm guessing they were. I had 3 brackets replaced. One on the upper left and two on the lower right. My upper left bracket had a split in it. Makes me wonder how that happened.

I was also downgraded to a flimsy wire so that we don't pop off my new brackets and I guess to start getting things lined up. I don't know what size the wire is though. =/

I didn't get colored ligs because the ortho assistant started putting them on too fast for me to even noticed what she was doing. :(

When my ortho was popping my brackets off, it really wasn't that bad. So I think I'll be able to handle having my braces taken off.  :)

Oh! I also have a bend in my lower wire. :D It's the little things that make me happy. lol

Anyway, that's all for now.

I noticed not too long after my adjustment that my gap between my two front teeth started opening up again.The ortho assistant didn't put a powerchain on my teeth this time, she just put ligs.
I don't really have a lot to say about my lowers, besides having the mini bend in the wire.
Don't really know what it's for.

*I'm just glad that I had my adjustment and there is some movement. I do know that I will have a wire change at my next adjustment. Not really looking forward to that because I'm not looking forward to being in pain. My teeth are finally just starting to settle down somewhat. But this adjustment really wasn't that bad. Just had a little soreness.


Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Week 77


No new pictures for this week. Everything is still the same. I'll take some on Monday after my 13th Adjustment. (Hoping I'm not asking for pain) But I'm honestly ready for this next adjustment. I just want to see movement again. lol Tired of looking at my teeth and not seeing progress. (I probably shouldn't look at my teeth constantly) I'm even hoping to start elastics again. I just want to see changes!

One thing I have noticed is that my 1st molars are a bit loose and they're making the creak, creak, creak sound again. It's pretty amusing and of course, I can't help but do it more. Does that make me weird?

Oh well, that's all for now!


Monday, January 14, 2013

Week 76


Yes, I know I skipped 75 but I just didn't feel like there was any progress... so no pictures for last week.

I still don't really know if I'm going to take pictures for this week because everything still looks the same.

I was bold yesterday! I was eating pizza and got tired of having to cut my pizza up with my fork, so I picked the pizza up and used my front teeth and bit into it. I didn't have any problems, since the pizza was pretty soft..

But I tried to eat a toasted bagel without tearing it into smaller pieces and that didn't work.. it actually kind of hurt.. and I had to check and make sure I didn't break anything because I kind of felt my brackets give just a little. lol Oops.

Oh well, one of these days, I'll be able to eat like an unbraced person again. :p

My adjustment is getting closer and closer, only thing I know is that my brackets will be repositioned. So I'll get to see what debracing is going to be like. But, I'll also have a date with the spreaders... I HATE those things....

Ok, rambling complete.


Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Week 74


Well I'm a bit sad because my phone decided to be a butthole and delete all of my pictures, so the pictures that I was supposed to add to my blog for the last 4 weeks are gone. :( So I'll just have to start over with new pictures.

Anyway, I really don't have any news. As far as I can tell, I'm still at a standstill.

Finally at the slow part of my treatment and I don't like it. But the cool thing is, I only have about a year until my braces come off!  :)

Well that's all for now.

As promised, here are my pictures.
I think it's amazing how one side can look better than the other.
 My left side looks really good but my right side still needs a lot of work. lol