
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Cavity or Just Moving? O.o

Ok, so for the past 2 days, my right bottom 1st molar has been hurting everytime I apply pressure by biting down with my upper teeth... I'm hoping that it's moving and there's not a cavity forming under the buildup. The sad part is, is that's the same tooth where I broke a piece of my buildup off and never got it fixed... Think I'll have to bring it up with the ortho next week.

Also, I had a conversation with my cousin about her braces because I was excited that she had them too. I asked her how long she has had them and she replied with 7 or 8 years. I was like WOW! O.o I love my braces but I don't think I would love them after 7 or 8 years..

I would march up to the ortho office and tell them to remove them ASAP. lol Because of that conversation, it made me wonder, What is the longest time a person has had to wear braces. 7 or 8 years is the longest I have heard so far. Inquiring minds would like to know.

Today, my teeth have been a bit sore, which means they're moving! :D So I say bring on the soreness.... I won't say that next week, after thicker wire and powerchains are added... It will more than likely be me whimpering like a newborn baby.. The joys of Braces...

Enough rambling.

Ta Ta for Now!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Week 17: A Few Sore Teeth and An Ephiphany...

Hmm, for this week, I've had a few sore teeth especially when I wake up in the morning.. Hasn't felt the greatest but I know their moving so that gives me some comfort. :)

I would like to add that when your teeth are sore, it's best to brush with a manual toothbrush... Vibrations from electric toothbrush on sore teeth equals discomfort =x Swithcing to a manual tooth brush for a little bit. lol!

On to the Ephiphany: I was brushing my teeth the other morning and I realized that my two front teeth are leveled to the point where I can brush behind both of them at the same time! I have NEVER been able to do that. I would have to brush one normally and tilt my brush at an angle to try and brush the bucky one... I could never get it as clean as the other one.

I seriously felt like doing a dance!! :D I can't believe at almost 4 months, there has been so much progress... It's so awesome! :D

SN: I usually have my pictures taken but just takes me forever to get them up on the blog... I'll try to work on that. lol

Oops.. I forgot to take the bracketed tooth pic for week 16.. Will just have to take a week 17 pic and put that up with the rest!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Poptart + Braces = Nightmare with a Remainder of Sadness!

Hmm, I don't really like math... So why did I use it as a title... I have no idea! lol

Anywho, I ate a pop tart (I know, I know... bad, bad Lexi!) just a few minutes ago and I will never do it again! Well, let me correct that, Not while in braces. The gooey filling plus the breading was jammed down under my hooks and wires and no amount of water swished around in my mouth would free it.. It took me maybe about 3 to 5 minutes to get all that stuff out and then I had to brush really, REALLY good to make sure it was all out. Ugh, not putting myself through that again.. I'm just glad nothing broke, I really would have kicked myself for giving into my (huge) sweet tooth.

On to the sadness: It just bums me out that I can't eat poptarts because I love them. They're a really good food to eat while on the go... All the good (bad) sugary goodness.... is so great! Sigh oh well, I'll just hang up my poptart hat and find me a food that won't be so sugary and gooey...

</3 Heartbroken pop tart lover

Week 16: I spy with my little eye... Nothing New.. lol


Can't really see any changes this week. They look the same as last week.

Lets see, only 16 days until my next adjustment... I'm just glad that I get to enjoy thanksgiving. I would hate if my adjustment was a couple days before... Would just be depressing watching others eat all that good food and I'd be stuck with soup...

So I can celebrate about that, at least! :)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Bread and Pasta,

I know that you both are extremely friendly because everytime you are consumed, you love to give the wires and brackets a big ole' hug... I would really appreciate it if you no longer gave friendly hugs, because the brackets and wires are a bit antisocial when it comes to those types of things.

Very annoyed proxy interdental brush

Dear Braces,

I thank you for all the things you are doing for me. Being that I'm on the bottom, I no longer have to lean on my neighbor for support, I can now stand beside my neighbor as an equal!

I also thank you from the top of my little roots, my partner in crime is now officially getting closer and closer to me and no longer distant. It feels good to know that soon, we will be together.

Even though you hurt us sometimes, I know that you're doing it out of love. You want to make us happy. Thank you so much!


Happy upper and lower teeth! :)

Week 15: Little Wow Moments and Some Soreness...

I look at the gap inbetween my two front teeth and just amazed at how small it is now. I have never had a small gap. I just think about how my teeth used to look and how they look now and I'm like wow! So much progress already in such a short amount of time. I'm truly grateful that my time for braces has finally come and I'll have more self esteem and confidence. Just really, really thankful!

I'm not sure if I'm still clenching at night or what, but almost every morning, my teeth hurt a bit. It could just be that they're on the move again. I don't really have anything new to add.

Actually, I just thought of something! Last week, I took a drink of room tempature water and I had a serious sharp pain go through one of my teeth. I was like hmmm... this is strange. I read on archwired that there are other people that are dealing with tooth sensitivity. I'm glad that I'm not the only one! Just thought it was a bit strange.

Adios! <3

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


I would like to correct my previous post. At first, I thought I couldn't physically see any movement as far as my teeth. I was wrong!

I was looking in the mirror, trying to figure out how I was going to get a good picture of my newly bracketed tooth and then it hit me! My newly bracketed tooth has moved some! YAY! It's not trying to hide behind the other teeth, it finally want to stop being shy and be more outgoing. I'm so thrilled.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Week 14: Don't really see anything..

Yesterday made it Week 13 and so far, I really haven't seen any new changes. I know my front teeth and a few of my lower teeth have been a little sore but besides that, I really haven't seen any movement. Even though, I can't physically see it, I know that they are moving some. Which is a really good thing.

I'm sort of looking forward to the next adjustment, can't wait to start seeing my gaps close. That'll be amazing. :)


SN: I definately need to whiten my teeth, they are terribly stained. I used to drink a lot of dark tea and then I eventually switched to green tea but still. I often worry though that my staining is really decalicification. I hope it's not that. But once the braces are off, I will take care of the staining.

Wasn't able to fit my bracketed tooth pic on my collage so here it is, that tooth is really starting to move in line. So great! :D

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

3 Months and week 13!

It has been 3 months exactly since I first got Braced. I'm so glad that I decided to do it. My teeth look so much better and I feel so confident, it's nice! :) I won't ever regret the day the I finally got braces! :)

Due to just getting a kitten, I haven't really been paying attention to my teeth. lol. I've been chasing her around all over the place.

Anywho, I have noticed that my overjet/bite has went in a considerable amount. It no longer sticks out 8mm. I don't know for sure how big it is now, but it looks really nice. All that pain I felt a few days ago was worth it. My bite is still off, and I can only evenly put my teeth together on one side, all apart of the process though.

At my next adjustment, my gaps will be closed, so I'm guessing I can say goodbye to my gap between my two front teeth. I will no longer be able to fit a straw between the gap and drink. lol! That's really going to feel funny having my teeth together. I won't be able to stop smiling as well as I just won't know what to do with myself.