
Monday, November 21, 2011

Poptart + Braces = Nightmare with a Remainder of Sadness!

Hmm, I don't really like math... So why did I use it as a title... I have no idea! lol

Anywho, I ate a pop tart (I know, I know... bad, bad Lexi!) just a few minutes ago and I will never do it again! Well, let me correct that, Not while in braces. The gooey filling plus the breading was jammed down under my hooks and wires and no amount of water swished around in my mouth would free it.. It took me maybe about 3 to 5 minutes to get all that stuff out and then I had to brush really, REALLY good to make sure it was all out. Ugh, not putting myself through that again.. I'm just glad nothing broke, I really would have kicked myself for giving into my (huge) sweet tooth.

On to the sadness: It just bums me out that I can't eat poptarts because I love them. They're a really good food to eat while on the go... All the good (bad) sugary goodness.... is so great! Sigh oh well, I'll just hang up my poptart hat and find me a food that won't be so sugary and gooey...

</3 Heartbroken pop tart lover


  1. Oh no no no, you've got it all wrong! You CAN eat poptarts but there's the key: You can't chew them. Break off a small piece and put it in your mouth. Digestion begins in your mouth and your saliva will make it soggy and mushy.

    I love poptarts and sometimes you just get that craving for it. All you need is a little patience. :)

  2. Thanks, Marissa! :D That makes me happy again!
