
Saturday, October 29, 2011

2nd Adjustment, Day 3: Doing Good

Welp, I seem to be doing alright. No more throbbing mouth, just my bite is off. I can really only chew on my right side because my upper back teeth on the left won't hit my lower teeth evenly. Guess I'm at the stage where it gets worse before better. Oh well, in good time, everything will be even again. :)

Cool thing is, my newly bracketed tooth no longer hurts but when I bite down on it, it makes a slight popping sound... so it's loose and moving around.... kinda gross. lol

Until next time. :p

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Day After Adjustment: Still an ouch type of day!

Today has been a little better as far as pain goes. The left side of my mouth still hurts a bit but the right side has chilled out. I know when I was eating lunch earlier, I tried to eat on the left side and umm won't do that again.. Talk about a serious flinch fest every time I would chew. lol I'm complaining about the pain now but I know when elastics and thicker powerchains are introduced is when the real pain will begin. So I'll just keep mumbling to myself that it'll be worth it in the end and I'll be a happy camper.

Side note: I realized yesterday that the wire on my lower arch is rectangular! I got so excited and felt like I graduated to the next level, even though I have a long way to go! The little things just amuse me. :)

 I was a bit sad because my upper wire is still round. I wanted to join the all rectangle wire club but that will probably happen at my next adjustment. I guess I shouldn't rush that wire on my upper arch, since I was in a lot of pain last night, due to my rectangle wire... but I just can't help getting exciting about all the orthodontic stuff, it's doing so many good things to my teeth, it's really, truly AMAZING!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Mouth Throbbing.. Owww!

I'm glad I got everything adjusted and all but wowww, my teeth are killing me! I think I'm back at that stage where I want to rip these things out. I think I've completely changed my mind, I'm not ready for elastics and not looking forward to them because I know the pain is going to be worse. =x...

I feel like I can't bite correctly now because if I put my teeth together, I hit my upper left bracketed 2nd premolar and man oh man does that send a jolt of pain through the left side of my face.... I've had to bite my lip to prevent myself from yelping, groaning, etc.. when I clicked that tooth because it hurts so bad....

Supersized Ibuprofen don't fail me now!! :(

My 2nd Adjustment

I had managed to get up in enough time for my appointment and figured that I'd make it at 8:45. Unfortunately, I was like 5 minutes late because my husband thought that we were going to my dentist and not my ortho and we had to turn around and go the other way. But I made it in a good amount of time. lol!

I signed in, got called back and realized that the assisstant who was going to work on me, was not my normal assisstant. So I was a little sad about that... =x The adjustment went fairly well. I had my ligs removed, and my doors open, while the wires were removed and the assisstant put a new upper and lower arch wire in. My upper wire is a little thicker but it's not as thick as the one she was orignally going to put in. After she put the wires in, she put my new red and black ligs on =D and closed all the doors.

 Dr. M came over and looked at her work and said I was good to go. He also told her at my next adjustment in 6 weeks, he wants to put a thicker wire on my upper arch and that he was going to start closing up some of my gaps. I'm like Oh, Joy... 

The really cool thing about this adjustment is that my upper left 2nd premolar has finally joined the rest of the group. Instead of giving me a dinky old coil spring, the wire is now attached to it. :D That makes me so happy. My lower right premolar still has a spring because I guess there's still not enough room. I just think it's soooo neat! I also don't have a powerchain on my two front teeth this go round, I guess before Dr. P retired, she at least wanted to just close up my gap some.

It was a nice adjustment and I look forward to the next one in 6 weeks. Can't wait to see what the next adventure will be. :)

New Ligs! :D

Bracketed Finally!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Week 12: So Far.. So Good

I really don't have a lot to say today. Nothing has really been going on Braces wise. My gap is steady shrinking and...that's about it. Haven't had any major move-age from what I can see.

On a interesting note, tomorrow is my second adjustment! *jumps up and down and flails arms* I'm really looking forward to it. That means there will be a new wire change and I have no idea what else. Plus, I look at every adjustment as a improvement to my teeth. I do know I'm going to get black and red ligs. :D My two favorite colors!  I'm really ready to get the elastic train rolling but I don't think that's going to happen this go round. Will just have to wait and see.... I could be pleasantly/painfully surprised. lol

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Week 11: Popping Noises, Loose Feeling Bracket, Shrinking/Expanding Gaps. Oh My!

Weirdest thing ever. I was sitting here and all I did was put my teeth together and I heard a popping noise in my mouth. I started freaking out, thinking a bracket popped off but when I looked in my mouth... everything was fine. So a little later, I put my teeth together again and I heard the popping noise again... I checked again and everything was fine... So I'm thinking what it is, is my molar buildup. It could be making the popping, clicking noises.. I hope... Lol, going to do a more thorough check when I get home.

I noticed that when I kind of suck on my teeth, that a bracket moves a little bit. It's still attached to my tooth but it just wiggles a little bit. I don't think it's anything serious because when I got my braces, my brackets would do that when teeth were moving. So maybe it's just movement, I'll ask next wednesday at my next adjustment.

As the title says, my gap is steady shrinking! It's amazing. I just think it'll be a little akaward and neat when my two front teeth are touching and I can't stick my tongue inbetween the teeth anymore. I was reading someone elses blog and they talked about how they're going to keep their gap (a small one).

I thought about that for a second and then immediately rejected that thought for myself. I just couldn't see myself still with a gap after having braces for 2 1/2 years. I would probably still smile but still feel a little self concious about my teeth. So with that being said, my gap will be vanquished and my teeth will touch. :D

The gaps that are between my laterals on each side are still expanding but that's so my front teeth can touch. Oh how I can't wait for that glorious day!

Until next time

Friday, October 14, 2011

Week 10: Teeth leveling on out..

Hi! Well I'm finally able to put up most of my pictures for this week, even though this week is about over. Lol.

Anyway, my front teeth are almost completely on the same level with each other, my gap between my two front teeth is shrinking more and more. The gaps that are forming elsewhere are getting bigger, but that's cool too. I look at it all as a process to straight teeth. I'm still giving everyone a big smile (teeth and all) :D

 Also, my dad and some of my co workers have been talking about how my teeth are just moving along as well as my profile is changing a bit. I've never noticed but I guess my top lip is going down a bit, which I think is really neat! I just hope my face doesn't change too much because I like the way my face looks.

The other night, I noticed a red bump under my tongue. It was really gross looking and it kinda hurt whenever I would run my tongue across it. It's probably some type of inflammation from the braces, I'm sure it will go away soon. (There's a picture of the bump, it has a square around it.)

Lastly, in 12 more days, I go for my 2nd adjustment!! I seriously am excited, because that means my teeth are going to change even more. Even though I'll probably be in some pain, it'll all be worth it in the end. I just wonder if I'm getting elastics yet, I want them already. I do know that my wire will be changed too, so that's going to be neat! :D

counting down the days.....


Thursday, October 13, 2011

Decalcification.. Oh how I don't want that...

I think a lot of my friends think i'm a bit crazy because I spazz when I drink pop and can't brush my teeth for a while. I have a good reason to..

Decalcification is a scary thing and especially the thought of not knowing if I'm brushing right... What if my debrace day comes, my braces come off and I have decalcification spots on my teeth where my brackets used to be. I'll probably lose all the self confidence I built up and go back to hiding my teeth. Yeah, they'll be straight but they'll be ugly once again.

I know I have been slacking a bit, not with brushing but with flossing. I went 2 days without flossing and I really felt terrible. I better get back on schedule with my cleaning routine, so I don't get decalicification spots. I will never forgive myself if it comes to that...

So with that being said, I will brush/floss my teeth like no tomorrow, so they'll look nice when the braces come off. =]

*Oh and week 10 pictures will be up soon!*


Friday, October 7, 2011

Awesome Tooth Update!!

This morning, I was on my way to work and I was talking to my husband. My upper tooth collided with my lowers and of course my first reaction was ow! Then I realized, It was the tooth that used to stick out. Omg! I was so excited, so I looked in the mirror and put my teeth together and the protruding tooth is almost touching my lowers. It's like || <<< that close to touching. It's soooo cool! :D My midline is still way off when I put my teeth together but that will be fixed soon.

What a great surprise this morning. :D

*Sorry about the grainy pics on the left, my front camera on my phone sucks! lol

Monday, October 3, 2011

Week 9: Teeth are subject to move..

Hola, I've noticed that my front tooth that used to stick out a lot is almost to the point where I can touch it to my lower teeth. I have never ever been able to do that! *party over here, whoop whoop* lol! I'm just so excited. When I go for my next adjustment, I'm going to have another wire change. So exciting... I wonder if I'm going to get elastics yet. I actually really want them, even though I know that they're going to hurt but hey, I'll get em when I get em.

* I just realized that my teeth in my overjet picture are going the wrong way. My teeth are really going to the left and not the right.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

2 Months

It's been two months and I believe I've finally gotten used to my braces. I have noticed that I don't like to eat very much because I don't want to have to brush my teeth a million times. I've probably lost a few pounds because of not eating as much, so I better watch that. Besides that small little thing, I love my braces and what they're doing to my teeth. Yeah, I may have pain here and there but all of it's really worth it, after seeing how my teeth have changed from day one to now. It's wonderful! So, HAPPY TWO MONTHS TO ME! :D