
Monday, July 30, 2012

Week 52: Stained Glue


Was super busy last week so, I didn't get a chance to take pictures. So no update for last week but I will make sure to take pictures for this week..

I continue to look at my pictures and I often comment on how yellow they look, but I actually think part of the reason is because my glue under my brackets is a bit a stained. So I'm sure once the braces come off, then my teeth probably won't be as yellow as I thought.

 It seems like my lower tooth is in the same spot. Don't really think it's going to move too much more until a thicker wire is applied. So we will see. :)

Also, I've been struggling with my bristles on my tooth brush either getting caught on a sharp edge on my brackets or on a pokey wire and when I'm brushing, I'm kind of tugging on my brackets as the brush goes over teeth. It's really only in the back that I'm having this problem. So I guess I can mention that to my ortho.

Also, I need to make sure that I mention that my jaw has been clicking. It's been doing it a lot more frequently and I'm just wondering is my jaw settling or am I developing tmj issues? So will update on that soon.


Monday, July 16, 2012

Week 50: Tired Jaw


Some mornings I wake up and my jaw is pretty tired. I have to open and close my mouth a few times before it loosens up a bit. Or sometimes when I take the first bite of food, my jaw aches or pops a little. The popping doesn't hurt which is a good thing!

I just think because my bite is changing so much, my jaw gets kinda tired from all the movement. I'm not looking forward to the jaw tiredness that elastics will give me but oh well, I'll just deal with it.

In other news, my lower molar is steady moving, it still has some more movement to make, but it's happening pretty fast. :)


Thursday, July 12, 2012

Week 49: Lower Tooth Almost Aligned =]


I think I'm in the home stretch as far as my lower molar scooting in line with the rest of it's buddies. The most surprising thing to me is I haven't had much discomfort or pain with this tooth moving in. I was really thinking it was going to be a painful experience but it has been a breeze. So that in itself is a blessing. :)

I have pictures from last week and for this week but I just need to work on them... Been busy with life and such. :p


Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Week 48: Lower Tooth on the Move!


I'm happy to report that I'm finally seeing movement with my lower right molar. It's starting to straighten up! I can't believe that very soon, it'll be completely in line with the other teeth.  :) I really have no idea what will happen after it's aligned. Maybe elastics?

Only one more month until it's been a year in braces. It really doesn't feel like it's been a year.. maybe 6 months at the most but hey, it's ok because that means i'm getting closer to having them off... Well, I'll still have a year and half to go but it won't take long at all..

Next month, I'll do a comparison of my teeth from all angles. So that should be fun...
