
Monday, June 25, 2012

8th Adjustment: Complete!


My adjustment was pretty uneventful. I had to get up at 6:30 to make my 7:15 adjustment... I am not a morning person at all... Anyway, we made it to the ortho office and I signed in and waited on my name to be called.... The ortho assistant came out and said Alex, I thought it was me... Nope, it was a little 10 year old boy that they wanted. Talk about being embarrased.

When I finally was called, I was told that my ortho was going to do my adjustment. I guess they were a bit short staffed. So my ortho told me to open and close my mouth several times, and he looked at my wayward tooth and was like well, it's really moving, you can tell because the wire is pretty long. He's like we're going to leave the wire on the bottom and just change your powerchain for today.. I was a bit disappointed. I was hoping I'd have a wire change, plus some of my molar buildup removed.. Oh well, maybe next time. Got my wires clipped too, so I'm at least happy about that. :)

I really have no idea what's going to happen at my next adjustment... In a way, it's kind of a good thing, because depending on what it is, at least I don't have a reason to freak out. lol! For me, it's not being afraid of going to the ortho, it's just not knowing what's going to happen and how badly it's going to hurt...


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