
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Week 26: Overjet be gone! :D


My overjet is pretty much gone! :D My left side could just be brough in a little more but besides that my overjet has disappeared! My centrals are aligned and all i'm waiting for is my gap to close. Slowly but surely my teeth are a moving.

I haven't really had the problem of my lower teeth hitting my upper teeth anymore but my lower teeth are now hitting the back of my upper teeth, so me think my lowers need to be tilted inwards just a little.

But we'll see what the ortho has in store for me at my *gulp* next adjustment. I am really really really not looking forward to this next adjustment.


Monday, January 23, 2012

Week 25: Teeth Settling Down... but...

This will not be another whiny post. lol I'm doing much better now. My teeth have finally started settling down. I still have the occasional pain but I can atleast tolerate that.

I can feel my powerchain and wire squeezing my teeth a bit but it's not so bad. I have been dealing with my gum being swollen around my right 2nd molar. It seems like after I had this adjustment, that my molar is either moving or maybe it's not being cleaned properly but I know it hurts pretty bad.

I think part of the problem is that it's sunken backwards into my gum. When I had my lower wisdom teeth, they grew in sideways and were putting pressure on my molars and caused them to sink in. Soo I don't know if my ortho will be able to upright them or if I'll have to have them extracted. Hoping that he can upright them.. even though that sounds pretty painful too...

I'm also having issues with my lower teeth hitting my upper brackets and my upper teeth are starting to sit behind my lower teeth too.. soo need to call Dr. Mauro and have him look at my teeth.

Anywho.. besides all that stuff... things are looking good with my mouth. My gaps are getting smaller and my teeth are really looking good.. :)

All the pain is worth it but when you're actually in pain, you tend to lose focus of it being worth it. You go back to OMG, get these things out of my mouth right now... lol!


Friday, January 20, 2012

3rd Day After Adjust: Still a bit sore...

I now I understand people who are going through coil spring pain... My tooth is still a bit sore, not as sore as yesterday but it hasn't went back to normal yet. I'll def give it a few more days. Besides that one tooth, all my other teeth are fine. :)

The next adjustment is going to be a pain in the butt... Will have to remember to take a couple ibuprofen because I know my teeth are going to hurt bad!

But that's all for now..


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Day After 4th Adjust.. Try a Little Tenderness!...

Well I survived yesterday and took a couple pain reliever. I was even able to eat beef stew last night! :D

Today, my teeth are a bit sore but it's only when I bite down on my right side. Most of the discomfort is coming from my brand new coil spring. It's really working on pushing my teeth apart.

Besides all of that, I'm actually doing pretty good! :)


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

A Few Hours Later... Ow!

Welp, my whining will start a bit earlier than planned. My teeth have started to ache a little already but I can't do anything about it because... I don't have any pain reliever with me... I. forgot. to. put. it. in. my.bag.... Smart, I know... Ha!

I'm not in like horrible pain but I like to stay ahead of the pain after an adjustment... Hopefully, my teeth will play nice and won't hurt too bad for a few more hours.

We shall see!

*Wanted to throw in a quick comparison pic*

Week 24: 4th Adjustment!

Hellow! :D

Today, I had my 4th adjustment. It was pretty uneventful besides the new upper dark pink power chain and a new coil spring. My teeth were a little tender but overall, it wasn't bad at all! :) I still have the same upper and lower wires but that will change at my next adjustment.

I am currently in .017 and .022 wires... they're going to upgrade me to a .018 and.025... I'm like yay.. the pain will be returning next go round! :D (very sarcastic! ) lol They're going to work on isolating my gap on the bottom so we can make it bigger and start bringing the wayward molar in. I think I might be getting an upgraded powerchain too..

But I just have to worry about that next adjustment.

Anywho! I decided to go with the dark pink instead of the light pink because I didn't want to have to deal with staining the chains real bad. Also, I got my wires clipped too... ahhhh feels so much better! :D

All in all, everything was good! :)


Bye bye for now!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

5 Days and Counting...

I only have 5 days until my next appointment and I'm practically ready to run to the ortho's office... Why because my wire is embedding itself into my cheek again... I mean, it's a good thing because my teeth have moved some but I don't like the way my cheek feels right now.

I'll just have to be patient, the adjustment will be here before I know it and then, i'll whine like a little baby because my teeth hurt. lol

Patience, patience, patience!


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Sugar Free Oreos = LOVE! :D

I no longer have to be sad about not being able to eat Oreos! :D My husband bought me a box of sugar FREE Oreos! Woohoo! I'm so happy! I'll have to eat them slowly but that's ok, I'll enjoy every bit.

The little things just make me a happy camper! <3

In other news, my adjustment is in 7 days! O.o I'm actually pretty calm, which isn't normal for me but as far as I know, it's just a simple powerchain and spring change. I don't think I'm going to be in elasticland yet....

Even though I'm still tempted to call the ortho about the zoo elastics... but I might just ask that crazy question when I go next week. lol... we'll see..


Monday, January 9, 2012

Week 23: Sore Jaw


For the past couple of days, my jaw has been pretty sore and I have no idea why. There aren't any wires poking it or anything like that. It's just strange. I hope it goes away soon and am just hoping my TMJ isn't messing up. I'll just monitor it and see how it goes.

Update: Jaw is no longer sore, guess it was just a one day thing! Awesome! :D

I will have my next adjustment in a few days so I'm sure that's going to be tons o fun but hey, I'm getting closer and closer to straight teeth.. So it's good. :)

I'm really half tempted to call the ortho just to find out what type of elastics they use. It has nothing to do with a latex allergy.. I just want to find out if their elastics have animals on the package. lol!

Welp, that's all for now!


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Overjet Comparison: Amazed!

I decided to do an overjet comparison just for the fun of it! And it's just amazing to see how much my teeth have been pushed back.

Take a gander for yourself:

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Week 22: Overjet Reduced; Finally Ate Popcorn.. :D

Happy Belated New Years! I've been soo busy, just haven't had time to write or post pictures.

Anywho, I've been noticing that my overjet has decreased quite a bit. I haven't even started wearing elastics and things are starting to look really nice. I couldn't be happier right now.

When I look in the mirror now, I actually like what I see and I feel more attractive. Thank you braces for the self confidence.

I've been wearing braces for 5 months, man oh man how time is flying. I guess 2 1/2 years will be here before I know it and it's really not a long time at all. It's pretty cool.

I made popcorn Sunday night because we had some friends over and I knew that I just wouldn't be able to resist that smell. So I tried a few pieces of popcorn, broken up and I was able to eat it successfully. I didn't break anything whatsoever. I am so happy! :D

Only have 2 weeks until my next adjustment... I honestly can't wait. I get a new powerchain and a spring. So that means I'll be closer to my upper gaps closing all the way and my lower gap will widen up, so we can bring my tooth in. So many cool changes!


A couple of other things..
My lowers are in the it gets worse before better stage. I was looking at the picture like wow my teeth are crooked. lol!

Also, I had an awesome thought while flossing last night... Pretty soon, when my front teeth touch, I'll just be able to slip the floss between them and get both at the EXACT same time. Sooooo Neat!
