
Monday, January 23, 2012

Week 25: Teeth Settling Down... but...

This will not be another whiny post. lol I'm doing much better now. My teeth have finally started settling down. I still have the occasional pain but I can atleast tolerate that.

I can feel my powerchain and wire squeezing my teeth a bit but it's not so bad. I have been dealing with my gum being swollen around my right 2nd molar. It seems like after I had this adjustment, that my molar is either moving or maybe it's not being cleaned properly but I know it hurts pretty bad.

I think part of the problem is that it's sunken backwards into my gum. When I had my lower wisdom teeth, they grew in sideways and were putting pressure on my molars and caused them to sink in. Soo I don't know if my ortho will be able to upright them or if I'll have to have them extracted. Hoping that he can upright them.. even though that sounds pretty painful too...

I'm also having issues with my lower teeth hitting my upper brackets and my upper teeth are starting to sit behind my lower teeth too.. soo need to call Dr. Mauro and have him look at my teeth.

Anywho.. besides all that stuff... things are looking good with my mouth. My gaps are getting smaller and my teeth are really looking good.. :)

All the pain is worth it but when you're actually in pain, you tend to lose focus of it being worth it. You go back to OMG, get these things out of my mouth right now... lol!


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