
Thursday, August 30, 2012

Week 56: Creaky Lower Molar

I feel like I just got braces all over again. My lower left first molar is creaking and  I continue to put my teeth together just to hear the sound... That sounds really weird but it's actually pretty amusing. lol

Everything still looks the same and besides a few teeth being sensitive due to deep fillings, everything is normal. So don't really have anything to post..


Thursday, August 23, 2012

Week 55: Tipped Lowers


So far, I can't really see any movement with my lower 2nd premolar.. It still looks like it's in the same place. But I have noticed that my lower front teeth are tipped outward a bit. I remember at one of my adjustments my ortho saying that he was going to have to tip my teeth back but there really wasn't a lot of room in my mouth and he'd have to make some room some how. That makes me wonder if he's going to say, ok, it's extraction time! If I do need extractions, will it only be on the bottom or will he have to extract some of the top ones as well?

I guess that's something that will have to be asked at my next appointment. Crazy part, is my adjusment day is going to be a busy one. I'll have to have a dental cleaning earlier in the day, then my adjustment and then off to the eye doctor. So many appointments. lol!

That's all for now, folks.


*Pics coming soon*  Forgot to take pictures.... Oops.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Week 54: Hardly Any Clicking or Popping =]


A couple things on the good news list. The pain from my adjustment is pretty much gone and today is also the last day of my soft food diet. Yay, party!!

The second thing is my jaw hardly pops or clicks anymore. Changing the way I sleep has really helped... But some bad news about that... I'm still waking up several times a night, having to roll from my stomach to my back.. The weird part is even though I'm waking up often, I feel like my sleep is more restful.. So that's also another plus. :)

Anyway, my lower archwire is almost completely straight where my lower bracketed tooth is.. This new wire has been working wonders :) There really hasn't been anything new besides that..

I'll also start working on comparison pictures, since I made it to a year.


Tuesday, August 7, 2012

May I have an IV Drip, Please?

Good Morning!

Last night was really rough. It took forever for me to get comfortable lying on my back, so I finally did drift off to sleep but I woke up about 4am and realized I was on my stomach. So it continued like that pretty much the rest of the night. I have nice, deep bags under my eyes from lack of sleep. I think instead of a regular cup of coffee, I need an IV drip, just a contious flow of caffiene to my veins this morning. Lol!

My teeth are dully aching but the cool thing is, I see movement already. I took pictures last night and then looked at my lowers again this morning and there's small movement. It really makes the pain worth it.

Also, I'm pretty hungry right now. This soft food diet is going to be tough but I'll make it through. I did it when I first got braces and I'll do it again now. Don't want to delay my treatment. :p

Well that's all for now.


Monday, August 6, 2012

Week 53, Adjust 9: Small TMJ Issues


So I had my adjustment today and.. it was ok.... I suppose.

My name was called and I went to the back and sat in one of the chairs. Before the ortho assistant could lean my chair back, I started telling her about the clicking and popping I've been dealing with lately in my jaw and she told me that it sounds like I'm beginning to develop TMJ problems. She said hopefully, when I started wearing elastics, that would clear it up but we'd have to see.

She began to open the doors on my brackets and there were a few that wouldn't open.... So she started tugging on them with her hook like tool.... It did NOT feel good........ She finally was able to get the doors open but sheesh, that was a pain in the butt. She also removed my wire tie that was around my newly bracketed tooth.

She removed the old wire and put a thicker wire on the bottom, 0.18 and just changed my powerchain on top... So my ortho comes over and she tells him what's going on and he's like ok....  well how do you sleep at night? I told him that I sleep on my stomach... he's like ok.. I want you to start sleeping on your back... Of course, I gave him a look like he crushed my dreams lol! Sometimes I can fall asleep on my back but I tend to roll over on my stomach... So this is going to be fun... -.-

So then he said, I also what you to go back on a soft food diet for a week, just to see if maybe the TMJ issues will stop... Again.... Dreams Crushed! I LOVE to eat, so it's going to be hard. I can see myself being a serious crab apple for a week. =x He also, told me to take some ibuprofen if I have any pain, because there may be inflammation back there... I just agreed to everything, knowing that if I don't do it, it could delay my treatment....

So after the ortho gave me instructions, I asked the ortho assistant what were we going to do next time.She said that they'll give me a thicker wire on the bottom and will do what she calls a reposi... Meaning, they'll take a X-ray of my mouth and then if the ortho doesn't like where some of my brackets are, he'll remove them and put them somewhere else on my teeth. So I guess in a way, I'll get to see what it's going to feel like when these bad boys come off..... I don't know if she meant at this next adjustment or the adjustment after, but she said that I'll probably start rubber bands....

Sounds like we're getting to the fun stuff, and at least things are happening. :)

Well that's all for now!
