
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Dentist Visit..

As I said in a previous post, I like going to the dentist and really don't mind all the drills and instruments that they use. I had a dentist appointment for a cleaning. It went really well.

My husband and I had to wait for almost 30 minutes because the dentist office was super busy. That was sort of ok with me. I was able to read some more of Treasure Island, but I was also really hungry since I had not eaten any breakfast.

Finally, I was called back to the room and my cleaning began. It was going really well until the dental hygienist started using the ortho brush on my teeth that were still a little tender. Let's just say I wanted to jump out of the chair. lol After she finished cleaning my teeth, she started scraping my teeth... Which wasn't too bad. I think the part that hurt the worse was when she started flossing and she forced the floss in between two overlapping sore teeth. I groaned a little and just laughed it off...

After she was all done, my dentist came out, Dr. Bob. He was talking to me about my teeth and braces and finally started looking at my teeth and he's like well you're good to go. There are no cavities! I was so happy! Being a slave to my teeth is totally worth it. :)

He was also really surprised that I floss every night, which I thought was kind of weird, until he said that I should floss once or twice a week. I understood, I was like a floss overachiever. Oh well, I'll continue what I'm doing to keep my teeth clean and hopefully in the next 6 months, my teeth will be cavity free then too!

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